This is just the beginning, and I am so glad to have you here.

Sippin’ on Life started as a simple phrase that reminded me to enjoy the little things in life. To savor precious moments and to focus my mind on the good instead of the bad.

It has guided me on my adventures, on creative endeavors, in my life, love, work, and play.

It is now time for Sippin’ on Life to get a little more love and attention. And it is now the start of something I’ve been dreaming up for many years.

I look forward to sharing more with you and having you along for the ride.

Here’s to improving the world, one day at a time,

Here’s to improving our lives, one step at a time.

Here’s to enjoying every day with the utmost joy.

Here’s to spreading love and laughter,

And to turning Work into Play and all of Life into Love.