With a last name like “Bakewell” there is one question I’ve been asked countless times…

The best was a college professor. On the first day of class, as he was calling each of our names in the large stadium-like seating, he paused after my name. He couldn’t help himself.

“So….. Do you Bake Well?” 

I have always been able to confidently say, “Yes, yes I do.”

However, it wasn’t until recently that I decided I would try baking a bit more frequently

Ever since I found out I was allergic to cow dairy, and then realized classic wheat makes me feel a bit less than par, I’ve struggled to find ways to make baking fun again.

I am happy to report, that with a few simple substitutions, I now have a Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free deliciously just how I want it Gingersnap Cookie formula for success. 

I took my childhood recipe and swapped in Bob’s Redmill’s 1-to-1 Gluten Free flour as well as my favorite dairy-free butter and they came out just like I used to make them. This felt like nothing short of a miracle. I’ve tried countless gluten-free cookie recipes and flour substitutions and they’ve never turned out anything like the originals. 

Are these cookies “guilt free”? Oh most definitely. Because I know that I’m avoiding the foods that my body doesn’t agree with, and they bring a wave of wonderful childhood memories with them. Filled to the brim with sugar, they are a treat that never fails to bring a smile to my face.  


“mmmmmmm…. that’s good.”