I knew the day I met him, my life would never be the same. And that terrified me. 

It all started several years earlier. I desperately wanted a dog. It wasn’t just the “oh I want a fun pup to play with.” It was a deep down need for an animal friendship in my life. 

I knew from my past, that I had the ability to use the power of my intention, of my thoughts, of my mind, to bring about that which I most desired. I’d done it before, accidentally the first time, and with intention many times since. 

Still, when you put your beliefs into practice, for something you want so much, it is easy to fall prey to Doubt.

Even so, I kept at it. I wrote a sticky note for my mirror, and filled my journals with sketches, all about my “Perfect-for-me, bundle-of-joy pup.”

Office Mate & Adventure Buddy 

Next month, Ozy turns 3. THREE! He was just 4 months old when we adopted him, and he truly was everything I dreamed for, and so much more.

Sometimes, I wonder what I’ve done. 

For I’ve taught him how to communicate quite clearly, encouraging independent thought and expression of opinions. And, boy, he’s got a lot to say. 

He expresses his love with the most intense energy, it is often too much for even HIM to handle. He just loves SO BIG. 

“That’s some fierce love.” Said a man we met on a walk once. 

At the time, Ozy was about a year old. And at that age, EVERYONE was his best friend. He’s a lot more discerning now, but his love is just as fierce. 

My Life is a Million Times Better, and more

Every single day, I am grateful for this little pup of mine.

When he puts his head on my lap, telling me I’ve been on my computer too long.

When he leans on me, to return my hug.

When he curls on my legs, to help ease my worries.

When he runs away, because I’ve let my energy flow negativity. 


When he makes me hike a little farther, a little faster, or… a little slower.

When he brings the whole family together, just so we can play.

When he makes us laugh, every damn day. 

The love of a dog, is truly, the most amazing thing.


Photograph by Mackenzie Bakewell.

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