In support of raising awareness for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, I have decided to run for President of the United States of America. Our people need us, so all Dogs must rally. Get your people outside. Get them off their screens. Get them to listen to you and me.

We depend on our people, and they depend on us. We’re their strongest connection to Mother Earth. We remind them to pay attention, to look more closely, and, of course, to Play, every single day.

Our colleagues Cats, they are joining in too. They’re a bit aloof, but they’ve given their support of our mission.

I’m still working on the Squirrels and Raccons. They’re a bit tentative about supporting humans, because they find it helpful when we stay in our homes and leave all the fruits and nuts on the trees for them to enjoy. Yet, they do love our Tree House Salons, our Bird Bath Spas, and all our little nooks and crannies and tasty offerings.

In the meantime, I’m calling on all of us Dogs, to help our humans remember to remember they have all the tools they need to live healthy, happy, and harmonious.