I like to imagine what Pollyanna would say, if she was alive in 2020.

There is always something to be Glad about, sometimes it just takes a fair bit of hunting.

I thought to myself, well I might as well – end this wild and crazy year, with a little celebration and good cheer.

So read on, for a quick start guide on doing your best 2020 Pollyanna impression.

The Glad Game: 2020 Edition

Here’s how to play:

  1. Gather yourself a glass of water and a nutritious treat, then settle down somewhere you want to be.
  2. Take three big full breaths, and ask yourself – what am I Glad about from 2020? (If this seems too hard at first, start small – what is there today, this week, this month, this season? Can you simply recall things you did, then think closer – what was good about it, what could you be glad now for the experiences had?)
  3. Color as you ponder, to draw your mind into a relaxed meditative state, allowing your hands to stay busy so your mind is free to contemplate. Using a single color, a favorite hue that you like to use, slowly trace the lines and softly fill in the white spaces, letting your mind wander through your memories both real and imagined places and situations. Declutter the thoughts and polish the emotions, leaving the place with a harmonious feeling. Once you’ve walked through the replay of your day, seen in vivid detail in your imagination as you look over your experiences – take stock of what you found, and select a few that feel like highlights.
  4. Now, ask yourself again – what is it that you’re genuinely glad about today?

Gratitude is such a powerful thing. It is amazing how it can have a cumulative impact on your mental cognition. And when it is mixed with coloring, it just helps you amplify the feel good feelings.

And always remember – if you need something to color, visit ZieBee.com and check out our rotating collection of coloring freebies, postcards, books, and creativity kits.

Love as always,


Dr. Oz, watching the world go by – wondering, why oh why, is everyone inside?