For the past few years, I’ve been researching and writing extensively on the benefits of coloring. Why has it taken off as a tool for self-care? How can it be used as a form of at-home, DIY art therapy? What are the benefits of creativity, of mindfulness, of tech-free play, of all the “good for us things”? And how can those activities and benefits be tapped into through coloring? How can it help me improve as an artist and hone my skills as a professional creative?

Best of all, I put my theories into practice, seeing how coloring could be used in my own life. Turns out, my experiments gave resounding results. I’ve found the ZieBee Coloring Collection provides a diverse range of creative experiences that have helped me alleviate the negative impacts of my chronic anxiety, as well as maintain balanced and focused energy, and best of all make it fun and inviting to make something new each and every day.

I’m happy to say, that after the most stressful for the world year, I’m ringing in the new year healthier and happier than ever before. Because I now know I have a tool, for anytime anywhere, that can help me process past the intense waves of anxiety and stress, so I can feel relaxed, at ease, and present for my day-to-day activities.

So without further ado, I present to you –

30 Reasons Why I Love to Color.

  1. I color because it is an easy way to ensure I “create before I consume.” (Inspired by Marie Forleo)
  2. I color because it helps me “clean out my brain” so I can think clearly again. (Inspired by Peggy Hall).
  3. I color because it is fun, gives the child in me a chance to play.
  4. I color because it is relaxing, I especially find that the long and fluid lines in the ZieBee Collection are soothing to follow.
  5. I color because it helps me get in “The Zone” or my flow, warming up my creativity to get my imagination going.
  6. I color because it enables me to sit still when I need a rest, it gives my hands something to do so that I can just BE.
  7. I color because it opens me up to connecting with friends and family, as it grounds me in the moment and alleviates my anxiety.
  8. I color because it helps me practice my art skills, it is a free-form, no-pressure way to experiment with techniques and tools.
  9. I color because it allows me to process my thoughts, feelings, emotions out of my mind and onto the page, functioning as a form of at-home, DIY art therapy.
  10. I color because it makes me feel good, I just love the simple experience of bringing the page to life with the colors that in that moment feel good to me.
  11. I color as a way to put color theory into practice, deepening my understanding of how colors mix and improving my use of color in all facets of life.
  12. I color to help me relax, I find it soothes the “buzz” of thoughts that are often whirling through my head.
  13. I color to transition between activities, as a screen break that refreshes my mental clarity.
  14. I color to hold space for me to think, so that I avoid feeling rushed and can tap into intuitive decision making.
  15. I color to cross-train my brain, exercising my creative expression and hand-eye-coordination.
  16. I color as a way to cultivate habits that I know are good for me, I do this by replacing it with an activity I want to wean myself off of – such as avoiding screens after a certain time in the day.
  17. I color to savor sensations of excitement, anticipation, and appreciation, feeling the feelings fully using a color that captures their energy.
  18. I color to uplift my spirits, both with the activity itself and the vibrant hues I like to choose.
  19. I color to practice being in the “Now,” seeing how long I can focus on the exact activity I’m doing (coloring) and see how long I can extend that ability of in-the-moment focus overtime.
  20. I color to wake up my brain in the morning, it is the cue that jumpstarts a morning routine that I’ve pre-decided and know is good for me and helps me start my day feeling balanced and in harmony.
  21. I color to ease the anxiety of waiting, to improve my patience. This helps me stay calm and relaxed, so when the waiting is over I’m in a good mental space.
  22. I color because it helps me connect with my creativity, it is a way to simply play that I can easily add into every day.
  23. I color as a form of TLC for me, a way to make self-care fun, sustainable, and attainable, best of all it can be adapted to as little as just five minutes.
  24. I color to make art and bee happy, for even if I don’t feel like it when I start, I always end up with a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction after I’ve completed even a small portion of the coloring page art.
  25. I color as a way to invest in my future self, knowing that little and often makes much – it isn’t about the end result, but the experience itself and the cumulative benefits of coloring consistently.
  26. I color to see what type of visual effects I can create on paper, mixing mediums, conducting experiments, discovering new ways to create energetic impact with the colors and techniques I use.
  27. I color because it is something I love. It is challenging at times, it is easy in others, it is adaptable to be exactly what I need.
  28. I color as a gift to myself, it is a habit I’ve cultivated that I know supports my mental health.
  29. I color because it soothes my soul when life is stressful, it helps me ground back into my own truth, processing past emotional pain trigger points, so I can feel peace of mind as I do whatever I need to do.
  30. I color because it is my way to learn how to paint, which I’ve always wanted to do (since both my grandmothers were painters) and coloring gives me a framework so I can just play with color, getting confident with my tools.

If you’re looking to start your year off right, I highly recommend giving coloring a try. Check out the end of year sale, running now through January 4, of the ZieBee Coloring Collection – the last of the 2020 inventory is at an all time low of 25% off. This is a great way to snag some supplies for you and your loved ones to add coloring to your 2021 good-for-you activities.

Thank you 2020, for the lesson’s you’ve taught me. I’m looking forward to things getting better and better as I color into 2021.

Love as always,


Coloring in the “Treehouse Cafe” at the Reservoir, one of my favorite places to just “Be.”
The original ZieBee Coloring Design – inspired by my mother-in-law and our family trip to the North Shore of Oahu Pipe Masters Surf Competition, back in 2014.