Say it with me: Anything Can Happen. Do you believe it? Do you feel it in your bones? Anything can happen. Now add this: Better and Better than I could ever Imagine.

The first of Mark Douglas’ Fundamental Truths, from Trading in the Zone, is that anything can happen.

When you accept this reality, this truth, it makes Trading so much easier for you.

Because when you recognize that anything can happen, you’re able to fully accept the risk. (Which is the third of his 7 Principles of Consistency). This means you’ll only ever bet something you’re willing to risk completely. The Risk-Reward Ratio must be something that feels good to you.

And even when we know that anything can happen, that the ticker could go up or down, it is still possible to be the Captain of your ship. To navigate the situation in order to ensure you’re charting a course you want to go on.

Sometimes, though, we get into a situation that is not the one we thought we’d signed up for. And this causes a discord between our inner and outer realities. Our lens is tinted by our own perceptions and expectations.

When this happens, it’s time to drop into a quick ColorTime Flow in order re-center and get ready to re-start again. This is a time to “preset the reset button” on how we’re feeling. To quickly flow through the color range of emotions, harmonizing them by aligning them with the colors of the Rainbow.

By the time you’re through, the goal is to be truly in the present moment, seeing clearly, tuned in to your external reality while also listening attentively to your intuition.

I have found this helps with quick decision making and in-the-moment resetting when things happen differently than I had imagined. When anxiety comes, or any other high-intensity emotion, I repeat this mantra to myself while I’m coloring:

Anything Can Happen, Better and Better than I Ever Imagined.

As I color, I feel the feelings of the end result I’m desiring. I forget about the how or the details. I just feel the joy, the satisfaction, the inner peace as if I’ve already achieved what I’m working on manifesting.

Then, I put away my pencils, and jump right back in.

Give it a try, and I hope you’ll find it works for you too – and that you get faster and more effective at dropping into your creative flow (and staying there too).

Love as always,


Collecting Pollen, Making Honey. Captured at Blue Light Farms, Summer 2020. Pentax K-3 with 100mm Macro Lens.