When the sun is glaring in our eyes, when the shadows are giving us quite a fright, when things are blurry or in a hurry, when everything feels abuzz, what can we do to regain our balance again?

Today was a good day.

I made a single trade, an in the money Butterfly of T-Mobile that ended in the green. The funny thing, was how I felt right after the sale went through. I had this huge energy drop. I had shifted my bid up, and it was filled instantly, then the mid dropped about 10 dollars. The pit of my stomach went out. Ugh, I thought, I overpaid.

Now mind you, the goal on this is to turn my $95 into $195 in the next two weeks. The goal is to follow my Trade Plan, and finish my 20-Trade Journey as a way to gain confidence in my tools, consistency in my actions, and knowledge on how to easily and effectively turn a profit.

I’m 10 Trades in, and 30% up. Although, as Kenny Rogers says in the Gambler, “Never count your money, while sitting at the table.”

The reason I wanted to write about this today, is that I accepted the wave of emotions that hit me – and processed through them quickly. I stepped away from my screens, I took a sip of my tea and a few bites of trail mix to eat. Then I did some coloring. Just a few moments, to focus my powerful mind on gratitude for the trade going up and up. Coloring with a bright green, one that is the same color as the green I see on my TastyWorks account.

As I colored, I allowed myself to generate feelings of gratitude, appreciation, excited anticipation, feeling the feelings right here and now that I’ll feel when this trade works out.

After just a few minutes, I felt much better. Then checked in on my email, and had my first Island Edition Coloring Postcard order!

I swear, these sales are not always a coincidence. Too often, right after I work past an inner fear about scarcity, replacing it with a joyful acceptance of the natural abundance of the world, I get an order. Or an email from a happy client, or some other direct signal of income (abundance) flowing into my life.

It is an interesting thing, to learn to trust your tools. To accept that they work, and believe in your own ability to use them.

Whether it’s trading or manifesting or making websites, books, and blogs – I have to enjoy the experience of the creation process, to embrace that Anything Can Happen Next, and hold close to my heart the joy of knowing – I can make money, without knowing what will happen next.

For that is a base fear of so many, is it not? That we’ll run out of money. Out of resources. Out of time. Out of Love.

Yet, I know that there is enough for everyone. A Win-Win Outcome is 100% possible, I can win and so can everyone else.

So when my energies get high or low, I lean on my Magic Bag of Tricks to re-balance, re-center, and re-gain my control of my own perspective. Whether it’s a cuddle with the pup, a breath of fresh air, a few minutes of coloring, or just spinning in my office chair – taking a “Zen Out” is so effective at helping me stay functioning at optimal performance.

Love as always,


Dogtor Ozymandias, Soaking in his Daily Dose of Vitamin D. He’s currently working towards his third PhDog, this one he’s writing his thesis on The Sun. He sure is good at keeping things interesting around here! Photographed at The Reservoir, Jan 2021