This month, I’ve started on a New Year Journey with my mother to fine tune and uplevel our skills at manifesting. We’re participating in the 21 Day Change-One-Thing Adventure, and it all begins with making a simple yet powerful choice: What’s your One Thing?

Implementing the tools I’ve learned so far, I had to narrow it down a bit. Define some specific, exciting details, set some trigger phrases and words to activate my Happy Dance, and then let go of the “How’s” the “Who’s” and all the other “Bermuda Triangle of Manifesting” that Mike Dooley shares.

I came up with this focus statement:

I am a Creator of Joy and Abundance.

Right now, I’m also listening to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey, and I am applying the habits as I go. The first habit, is embracing that you are the Programmer, the Creator, the one who has ultimate control over what you create in your life.

I selected “Joy” to be a simplified statement that distills everything I do with my work – I am creating Coloring Books as a way to spread joy, to share the joy I get from making art, of creating with others, of cultivating habits for health and happiness. I realized, I can be a creator of Joy – in my life and other’s lives – with or without my Coloring Collection. Is that a step in the right direction? Heck yes it is. Is it my ultimate end result? No, not really. But I do want to continue to do work in this world that brings me joy and brings joy to others.

I added “Abundance” because this represents all facets of health and wealth and good stuff in my life. Creating Abundance means I have enough – food, water, clothes, money, health, assets, skills, etc – that I can have all my needs and wants filled AND give to others. This can be represented through donations of coloring, through contract client services, through trading, through running my shop, through hiring others, through researching and writing and sharing and living.

Additionally, this is an active “I Statement” that encompasses my father’s Life Tool Affirmation that “The World is Naturally a Joyfully Abundant Place.”

I am embracing that. I am re-wiring my mind, and with this One Thing, I am realizing I’m the programmer (Creator) and the program I’ve written is a life of Joyful Abundance, and now, through this course and daily affirmation of the statement, I am “running the program.” I am instilling this as a core belief, so that it becomes my day-to-day lived reality.

As a reminder, and proof to myself, I just have to look at my pup, Ozymandias. For when I’m buzzing like an angry hornet, he hightails it out of here – running to the safety of Raphiel (who has learned that he might need to come check on me). Likewise, if I’m genuinely (energetically) happy, joyful, feeling relaxed, balanced, and good then Ozy is happy by my side. I can create Joy for him, just by being the best me I can be. I create an abundance of play, of food, of water, of toys, of affection, of interesting activities for him, which all bring him joy – and in turn bring me joy too, and an abundance of health.

So you see, I already am a Creator of Joy and Abundance. Now, during this 21-Day Journey, I’m honing my ability to tap into the mechanics of manifestation effectively and habitually.

Stay tuned for more.

Love as always,


Pure Joy right there. And an abundant amount of it too. Ozy at Blue Light Farms, Summer 2020.