An Ozy Dog Adventure… 

The big black dog bounded through the forest, his large ears pointed forward as he ran. He had been waiting all week for this day, when he and his people companions would go to the lake for a day of adventure. Ozy the dog loved fishing, and was excited to try out the new hiking trail. Plus, he was really looking forward to kayaking with his people friends.

The dog arrived at the lake first, and quickly ran down to the water’s edge. 

He barked happily as he splashed around in the cool water. His people friends soon arrived, and they all set about unpacking their picnic lunch. 

Chasing a stick, to entertain the humans, Ozy bounded into the water, throwing up sprays to set his people laughing. Yet the third time it was thrown, the stick flew far out into the water. Still, Ozy was determined to get it. 

Daily hiking made him strong, yet the water was a whole different experience. 

He swam, slowing gradually, and several times thought about turning back. Then, with a final burst of energy, he swung wide, grabbed the stick securely between his jaws and bee-lined for the shore. His people, and the other groups gathered on the beach, cheered him along and his ears rang with the warmth of their praise. 

Soon after, his people started gathering their gear and loading up the kayaks. 

The dog’s eyes widened with excitement as he saw the kayaks. He loved floating on the water. And fishing too! Ozy the dog’s tail wagged eagerly as his people friends set up their crawdad net and grabbed a fishing pole for the kayak. He loved watching them fish, and would sometimes even catch a fish himself. 

With the kayaks lowered into the water, his people friends helped him into one, and in no time they were paddling across the lake. Soon after, they found a place to drop the crawdad net and continued out into the middle of the lake. The dog loved feeling the breeze on his face and the sun on his back as he explored the lake. He even managed to catch a fish or two!

After paddling for a time, with a few swimming breaks, the dog and his people reached the most northern point on the lake where there was a pier for them to tie up their boats. From here, they set out on a hiking trail. The dog was happy to trot along at their sides, enjoying the fresh air and scenery.

It felt good to hike after the peaceful floating in the kayak, and he led his little pack confidently through the tall trees. Crossing bridges and going through gates, they eventually found their destination: a tiny, crystal clear, cool blue lake. Perhaps small enough to be a pond! 

Hot and dusty, Ozy dog dove right in. The water was so cold he quickly heeded his people’s call to get out, because he was stirring up silt. 

Pleased with their successful quest, the group hiked back to their boats, each one of them lost in thought, enjoying the presence of the tall, still evergreen trees.

When it was eventually time to go home, the dog was reluctant to leave. He had had such a great day! But he knew that there would be plenty more adventures waiting for him at the lake.



Video & Photos Captured with GoPro Hero7, edited in Premiere Pro.