It all began in 2010, with a social night surrounded by friends. 

Now, here we are ~ thirteen years later, and we’re still falling more deeply in love. Why am I sharing my love story now? Well, we’ve been friends, partners, and so much more and now we’re opening a brand new door with a Celebration of Love, a marriage, a wedding, a big party to say, “wooohooo! yay for us!”

So why tell my story? Why re-energize this blog?

Well, it’s a place for me to share freely, to write, to publish, to contemplate, and to organize. Because as a brand-new Bride-to-Be, with a wedding in the works, I’m already knee deep in information, checklists, should-do’s, could-do’s, and even a few have-to’s. My man and I are focused on this whole experience being fun – so keeping it organized and remembering all the little pieces along the way, I see this documenting as a way to enhance my Big Day. 

How do I want to feel? What does my dream Celebration of Love look like?

Well, I know how I feel now – excited and in love. And how do I want to feel on my wedding day? Radiant. Relaxed. Happy. Laughing. A lovely grin plastered on my face. My body is strong, svelte, and twirling gracefully in my lovely dress, catching the eye of the man that I fell for that first day, back in the fall of 2010, when I’d just returned from traveling, and was reconnecting with all my college friends. 

I still recall, like yesterday, the moment I saw his smiling face. He was across the room, surrounded by friends – my friends! –  laughing and talking, and exuding this magnetic energy. I worked my way there slowly, saying hello and giving hugs to all the people I knew and hadn’t seen since graduation two years prior. I took my time, but all the while that radiant smile was on my mind. I knew, I wanted to kiss that man tonight. 

Me and my man, in that first year we met, having fun together at a friend’s wedding.

Thirteen years later, and his smile still melts my heart and I still think, I want to give that man a kiss tonight.

So, what will our Celebration of Love look like? That’s still to be seen, but I do know that it is already an adventure that we’re enjoying.

Here’s to celebrating love,


Exploring the Neon Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada ~ the Wedding Capital of the Country.