Stories from the Pacific Northwest & Beyond

Hello and Welcome. I’m so glad to have you here. My name is Mackenzie BB, and I’m the lead writer here at Sippin’ on Life.

I am a multimedia artist and author based in the Pacific Northwest and the founder of my family’s self-publishing business. I am based out of Portland, Oregon and live with my man and our pup in a perfect-for-us urban farm nestled by a lovely city park.

I’ve spent a lifetime exploring the world with camera and sketchbook in hand, documenting the animals met and adventures I’ve had. Back in 2010, I had a blog about my adventures in Australia and New Zealand. I love being able to look back and read about my adventures, seeing the photos and re-living the stories. This website is my new personal blog, one where I can share my photos of my dog, recipes that my family creates (gluten and dairy free), and the many pieces of the puzzle to leading a life filled with habits that promote healthy, happy living.

To me, Sippin’ on Life is the premise that there is always something to be grateful for, always something to be glad about. This is my place to share my stories, my adventures, my recipes, and the artwork – in all its forms – that I make. It’s a form of gratitude journal meets record book, a digital place for sharing snippets from my life.

Cheers to enjoying the journey,

 ~Mackenzie BB

“Just a BusyBee, Sippin’ on Life”

Website, Ideas, Art, Photography, Design, and Words by Mackenzie BB © 2024