Oh Happy Day!

This month my Business turned 7 years old. I feel like a wishful parent, musing over “where have the years gone.” And yet, when I stop to pause, to really look back, it is amazing to see how far I’ve come. And not just me, my whole team, and my business itself growing into a true brand, with a purpose driven by passion.

My motto has evolved and shifted, but has always stayed true to its initial essence. My goal, 7 years back, when I launched my Sole Proprietorship in Washington State, was to use my creativity and technical skills to help others bring their ideas to life.

Turn Dreams into Reality.

That was my original tagline, and it stays true to life still today. Now I’m simply applying it to my own dreams, as well as to those who I get to collaborate with.

While my daily lists range in length and content, over the past 7 years of being an entrepreneur, I’ve distilled it down to a simple four things I have to do every day:

  1. Express Gratitude.
  2. Move Your Body
  3. Enjoy Nature
  4. Do Something You Love.


Here’s to being a BusyBee, Sippin’ on Life.