Today, I crafted a Butterfly net. Let’s see what I can catch…

When sitting down to Trade, I’ve found it is important to do a handful of things.

First of all, I follow my pre-flight checklist – crafted after the style my father taught me using the teachings of Mark Douglas’ 5 Fundamental Truths of Trading and 7 Principles of Consistency. The reason for this is to ensure that I know anything can happen. That I know my emotions are even, my mind is focused, and that I know exactly what my edges are and what my risk is and that I agree to the terms I’ve pre-defined with myself.

With this too, is ensuring I’ve followed my morning ColorTime flow.

This means I’ve moved my body mindfully. I’ve fueled myself with things I know provide lasting energy and prevent emotional fatigue. It means I’ve been outside to greet the day and taken my pup to play. It means I’ve tended any urgent messages, and then subsequently turned off my tech so I can remain in my pre-crafted bubble of zen.

Coloring is a vital piece of this puzzle, as it ensures my mind is firing on all cylinders, that my creative juices are primed and that all blockages and constrictions are addressed before I enter the trading room. When needing to make a decision, to choose what Butterfly Net to craft, what Option to choose, I can take a moment to color (even if only in my mind’s eye) in order to re-center and decide.

ZieBee Media’s Magic Lab is the perfect place for trading. There is a space for contemplation. There is room to move. There are reminders of my own past successes, my goals, and my “why” to keep me focused. All of these things are pieces of the puzzle, to being a Trader (and Book Maker) – the set and setting are truly essential to ensure you’re able to drop into the zone, and stay there until your focused creative work is complete.

It can be easy to want to jump into a high level trade, to say – they’re doing it, I can to!

And while yes, yes I can (and will!), I have to recognize that I’m starting out in the “D Grade” like when I first arrived in Australia to play polocrosse. Would I have wanted to be thrown in with the A Grade Champs? No way, no how – I’d have been trampled no doubt.

The intriguing thing about Trading, is there is an even playing field. Well, within reason. I have to be more crafty since I have a small account. But I know it is possible. I know that even if today’s Butterfly Net comes up short and I lose it all, that it was worth the risk. I’m putting theory into practice, and that means I have to step up to the plate, AND I have to swing. Otherwise how am I ever going to get a base hit? Showing up consistently is a way of telling the Universe, hey, I’m here – and I’m open and ready to receive the opportunities (and act on them) that you’re offering.

My point to all of this, is that my Healthy Happy Habits are an essential piece of my Trading Plan. And I am so proud of how far I’ve come on my adventure of being a Financially Savvy Boss Lady all the while Making Art and Bee-ing Happy. I’m also filled with excited anticipation for all that’s yet to come.

Love as always,


Microgreens Salad topped with fresh calendula petals with a orange juice spritzer, a tasty treat to fuel and energize courtesy of Blue Light Farms.