When things don’t go your way, how do you navigate the wave of feelings? What energy do you emit, when feeling frustrated or despondent?

While unseen, the energies we radiate are a real and tangible thing. Just ask Ozy – he knows instantly when I start to feel the pinning zing of anxiety or the draining drag of despondence. He can feel it, sensing it with abilities us humans are often unable to tap into. And, using his communication skills he learned in Scent Training, he’s gotten very good at alerting me to this imbalance in my energy.

So when the – hard to avoid – despondence hits, whether from a mistake, a let down, a harsh comment from a colleague, what do you do, to get back to feeling like you?

I’ve found I can easily identify the “me’s” that I don’t want to be: Grumpy, Groggy, Grumbling, are just a few.

I want to be the me that is upbeat, enthusiastic, engaged, and productively proactive.

When needing to move past an unpleasant mood, is exactly when I tap into my ColorTime Flow. This is a collection of my favorite things, bundled up into a single adaptable perfect-for-me activity.

It’s turning off my tech, to unplug my mental space.

It’s capturing photos of my favorite things.

It’s playing with colors, making art with my hands.

It’s moving and laughing and just being me – free to feel all the feels I’m feeling.

By the time I’m done, I’m back to ground one. I’m balanced, I’m centered, and my energy is no longer a reaction, but a chosen pre-programmed destination.

From this place, I can go about my day. I can feel pride for my friend’s success, rather than envy. I can feel joy at my partner’s great day in trading, rather than disappointment that my own orders went unfilled. I can feel excitement for everything that’s building, rather than overwhelm at all that’s on my plate. I can free my mind from the cloud of intense energy, and that’s a pretty empowering thing.

Ozy has been an incredible helper on my quest to overcome my anxiety, as he’s helped me become in tune with the energies I’m emitting. Plus, his goofy antics and high intellect always keep me laughing. Now, after a productive and bustling day, I can release my despondence on not getting everything done, and focused on the fun that is yet to come.

Love as always,


The Grumpy Face Frown, Ozy Summer 2020 at Blue Light Farms.